INCLUDEED: Social cohesion and Inclusion
Datos generales
Ámbito: Internacional
Fecha de inicio:
Fecha de finalización:
Carmen Fernández Juncal
EACEA (Comisión Europea)
- Universidad de Salamanca
- Universität Heidelberg
- Universidade de Coimbra
- Université de Poitiers
- Università di Bologna
- Trinity College Dublin
Juan Luis Garcia Alonso, Ana Cuevas Badallo
- Cruz Roja
- Fundación Cepaim
- Fundación Sierra-Pambley
Descripción del proyecto
INCLUDEED is a multilingual project whose main objective is the integration of immigrant and refugee groups in Europe through one of Europe's main assets: its languages. It involves the participation of leading universities in language teaching and with previous experience in creating materials for the use of these socially disadvantaged groups. It is now proposed to go one step further.
- Español LE/L2 > DESTREZAS Y COMPETENCIAS > Competencia pragmática > Cortesía y descortesía
- Español LE/L2 > DESTREZAS Y COMPETENCIAS > Competencia pragmática > Formas de tratamiento
- Español LE/L2 > DESTREZAS Y COMPETENCIAS > Competencia pragmática > Humor
- Español LE/L2 > DESTREZAS Y COMPETENCIAS > Competencia pragmática > Ironía
- Español LE/L2 > DESTREZAS Y COMPETENCIAS > Competencia pragmática > Marcadores del discurso
- Español LE/L2 > DESTREZAS Y COMPETENCIAS > Competencia pragmática > Metáfora y metonimia
- Español LE/L2 > DESTREZAS Y COMPETENCIAS > Competencia pragmática > Registro
- Español LE/L2 > DESTREZAS Y COMPETENCIAS > Competencia sociolingüística > Creencias y actitudes
- Español LE/L2 > DESTREZAS Y COMPETENCIAS > Competencia sociolingüística > Español de España
- Español LE/L2 > CONTEXTOS Y PERFILES > Perfiles de estudiantes > Inmigrantes
Palabras clave: inmigrantes, competencia pragmática, competencia sociolingüística
INCLUDEED general objectives will be developed on 3 levels -institutional, teaching and learning–:
GO1. To contribute to the reinforcement of cooperation among EU HEIs through the exchange of best practices with a view to achieving the social inclusion of immigrant and refugee groups.
GO2. To draw up teaching proposals that respond to the educational needs of the EU context -intercultural and multilingual- and that present possible solutions to the challenges posed by the need to improve the linguistic and intercultural competence of these groups.
GO3. To implement the development of cross-sectional knowledge, skills and attitudes related to the foreign language-learning in Europe, paying special attention to people at a social disadvantage, such as immigrants and refugees.
These are the corresponding specific objectives:
SO1. To develop materials for teaching languages to immigrants/refugees for the acquisition of pragmatic, sociolinguistic and intercultural skills, necessary for communicative integration.
SO2. To study and analyse the different aspects that specifically shape the teaching of languages to immigrants/refugees as a target group with its own characteristics in relation to other groups.
SO3. To prepare a guide for professionals or those responsible for the linguistic adaptation of immigrants/refugees that will serve as a reference tool in the integration processes of these groups.
SO4. To disseminate the achievements and results of the previous SOs through multiplying events organised for this purpose with an impact on the target groups and on the scholars and researchers in Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.
SO5 To carry out training activities (2 workshops) for the training of young researchers and professionals from the consortium member institutions, so that they can benefit from complementary areas of expertise of two of the member partners. This knowledge will be disseminated in the universities of origin and can be applied in the further development of the two intellectual outputs.
Cómo citar:
INCLUDEED: Social cohesion and INclusion: DEveloping the EDucational possibilities of the European Multilingual Heritage through Applied Linguistics
Proyectos relacionados en COMUN-ES:
- E-LENGUA (E-learning towards the goal of a universal acquisition of foreign and second languages)
- XCELING (Towards Excellence in Applied Linguistics. Innovative Second Language Education in Egypt)
- INCLULING. Cooperación educativa en el aula inclusiva de lenguas. Prácticas para futuros docentes de lengua española