Development of the pedagogical skills of the internship tutor in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language
Datos generales
Ámbito: Internacional
Fecha de inicio:
Fecha de finalización:
Paula Lorente
Comisión Europea - Erasmus+
- Université catholique de Louvain
- Universitat de Barcelona
- CLIC International House Cádiz
- Internationale Hochschule SDI München
- Universidad de Guanajuato
Lisa Conaway, Alma Laura Montes, Begoña Montmany, Elisa Rosado, Pilar Salamanca
Descripción del proyecto
DCP_Tusele is a support system for tutors of teachers or future teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE). The project responds to a pressing need. Never before has there been a fundamental reflection engaged by a transnational team on how to equip tutors with the skills required to guarantee effective and efficient internship practices. In the absence of this reflection, and in the absence of the project that emanates from it, tutors still have to rely again and again on their own teaching practices, without a structural framework or guidelines to guide them. Moreover, the organisation of training courses as proposed by the various national bodies for the qualification and professionalisation of tutors remains extremely variable in terms of content, duration and evaluation criteria.
With its internationally recognised experience in the field and the active collaboration between the various entities that support it, DCP_Tusele aims to increase the transparency and harmonisation of tutoring processes. A set of easy-to-use tools and devices accompanies the different stages of the course (see outputs 1 to 4) and ultimately enables each tutor to optimise their personal and socio-educational development through active lifelong learning.
Inspired by the philosophy of the European Qualifications Framework and integrating the values of unity and diversity of the European Union, the project focuses on the heritage and diversity of the Spanish language, as well as its teaching beyond the borders of Europe. It focuses on intellectual productions that are transferable not only at the European but also at the American level. At the end of the project these intellectual productions will constitute the material for the planning, reception, and evaluation of the trainees by the tutor.
DCP_Tusele is based on three pillars: intersectoral collaboration, transnational interaction, creative use of technology.
- Español LE/L2 > METODOLOGÍA > Investigación pedagógica > Investigación en acción
Palabras clave: formación de profesorado, competencias docentes, prácticas docentes
El objetivo primordial del proyecto se centra en contribuir al desarrollo de las competencias pedagógicas del tutor (acogida, seguimiento, evaluación de profesores en los centros de prácticas), produciendo herramientas de calidad, flexibles, de validez internacional y adaptables a distintos contextos internacionales.